Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Checking the time, and other trends.

Now that I finally feel like I don't need to say, "Happy New Year!" in every email I send or in those rare moment when I see one of my roommates... I realize that 2011 really did pass extremely quickly. And I know every year people get all optimistic (no? just me?) about the future, but I really DO think 2012 is going to be my favorite year... Okay, okay, I'll admit it: I only started talking about time and how it passes by so that I could bring up the fact that I love my watch. My Liz Claiborne Clear and Rose Gold Resin Watch. My Liz Claiborne Clear and Rose Gold Resin Watch that I bought myself for Christmas and will never regret. Finally, I have a "Power Watch" (yeah capitalization!) that makes me feel happy and important at the same time...which are my two favorite feelings.
But anyway, it is kind of crazy to think of how quickly time passes. And how a certain length of time can feel like so much more. I moved to New York at the end of June in 2009, and so this year I'll be "celebrating" my third year in the city. However, looking back on all my memories, all my experiences, all my accomplishments here? It feels like at least six or seven years that have happened in the blink of an eye. So here's to enjoying 2012 - we're eleven days in and before we know it, we'll be celebrating the start of 2013.

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